College and University Mathematics and Mathematics Teacher Education Departments are invited to participate in a new NSF project, “Get the Facts Out: Changing the conversation around STEM teacher recruitment”.
The Colorado School of Mines, the American Association of Physics Teachers, the American Physical Society, the American Chemical Society, and the Mathematical Association of America are partnering on an NSF Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Development and Implementation project that seeks to dispel misperceptions associated with being a teacher of physics, chemistry, and mathematics at the middle and high school level. About half of STEM majors report some level of interest in grade 7-12 teaching, but very small numbers enroll in teacher certification programs. Get the Facts Out will change this by providing faculty with well-developed strategies and materials designed to dispel negative misperceptions and offer accurate and positive information about the teaching profession. The project team hopes to engage mathematics and mathematics teacher education departments in this important work. Requests of departments include: • Consider implementing Get the Facts Out strategies and materials in your department • Contacting students and faculty annually to complete brief online surveys about their perceptions of grade 7-12 teaching as a profession • Providing an annual count of majors who enroll in a teacher preparation program Benefits to departments include: • Research-based, user-tested strategies and materials to aid your teacher recruitment efforts • An annual report analyzing the data from your department, which can inform teacher recruitment efforts • Consultation with experts on the above, as requested Interested in learning more or getting involved? Please complete the short form found at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/GFOQuantitativeSites Thanks for all that you do to support teacher education!
Posted by Brea Ratliff on December 7, 2018 BBA Peer-Reviewed Journal Available Today! Volume 2 of The Almanac, Benjamin Banneker Association’s peer-reviewed journal, is now available online! This journal is free to all members of the Benjamin Banneker Association, and print copies can be purchased for $10. Not yet a member of the Benjamin Banneker Association? See a preview of the journal by visiting the link below. We hope you will become a member! TLA Volume 2_Preview
Members of Benjamin Banneker Association past and present: You are invited to the Math Educators’ Networking Reception in conjunction with the 2018 NCTM Hartford Regional Conference. The Reception will be held on Friday, October 5th, 2018 from 5:45 pm – 7:15 pm at the Hartford Marriott Convention Center, Rooms 21/22/23. This event is designed for in-service teachers, math coaches/specialists/interventionists, administrators, and preservice teachers. Come discover how several Connecticut & regional math education organizations can support your professional growth towards developing greater expertise and enhancing leadership roles. Whether you are teaching in a regular classroom, working across several schools within a district, or trying to make an impact at the state and national levels, this reception is sure to offer ideas and build collegiality to promote your professional growth. There will be lots of informal time to meet and talk with colleagues as you enjoy a variety of delicious hors-d’oeuvres and soft drinks. See the attached flyer for additional information regarding this event. While this event is free, registration is required as space is limited. Open registration takes place between September 21th – September 28th. Now extended to October 2.
Link for Open registration: https://tinyurl.com/CT-Math-Open-Reg
Note: Once you have completed the registration process, a screen will appear stating that you have successfully registered. Please print this screen to keep a record of your registration before closing out this window. MathReceptionFlyer – open registration.
Don’t forget to cast your vote for the NCTM Board of Directors!
We have members of the Benjamin Banneker Association running for some of these positions, and we encourage you to let your vote be counted. Let’s congratulate these individuals for their nominations and commitment to mathematics education!
Please visit the NCTM website for more information. Voting ends on October 31, 2018 at 11:59 pm.
ICRSME International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (ICRSME)
Mission and Goals The mission of the International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (ICRSME) is the advancement of science and mathematics education in the participating countries. This mission is based on the premise that all peoples can benefit from the knowledge and experiences of their local, national, and international colleagues. The ICRSME focuses on programs for collaborative research, curriculum development, instructional improvement, academic exchange, teacher education and professional development, innovation initiatives, and shared resource opportunities. The benefits to be gained include multicultural perspectives, sharing of resources, the unification of purposes and efforts toward improving the academic programs, and the fostering of peaceful relationships among the peoples of the participating countries. The ICRSME is the result of the efforts of individuals who have similar academic interests and visions for the future. The current foundation and basis for future activity lies in the dedication that these individuals have toward the improvement of educational opportunities in their own and neighboring countries.
In order to serve the mission, the consortium model includes five interrelated goals:
1. Designing, facilitating, and conducting research and development toward the improvement of science and mathematics teaching and learning 2. Developing academic exchange programs between universities in order to broaden the educational experiences of students and faculty 3. Acting as an impetus in establishing ties between the local, state, and national educational associations in the participating countries 4. Identifying the particular science and mathematics education needs and issues facing current and emerging under-represented populations in the participating countries and directing research and development to address those needs and issues 5. Promoting collaborative efforts among scholars in the participating countries
History The International Consortium for Research in Science and Mathematics Education (ICRSME) was conceived by Arthur L. White in 1983 as a result of working on various projects in Central America and the Caribbean under the auspices of The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio and the United States Information Agency (USIA) in Washington, DC. The consortium was organized by White along with Juan Esquivel from the University of Costa Rica and Pamela Fraser-Abder from the University of West Indies. The charter member institutions of the Consortium included these three plus the University of Panamá; the National Pedagogical University of México; and the American School in Puebla, México. By 1985 a variety of cooperative and collaborative projects and activities were underway involving institutions and individuals within each of these countries. The major impetus and responsibility for the continuation of the activities and consultations of ICRSME since 1987 have primarily been due to the efforts of Professors Donna F. Berlin and Arthur L. White at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.
The ICRSME has convened thirteen International Consultation meetings since its conception. They have been as follows:
1986 Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago February 12 – 15 1987 San José, Costa Rica December 9 – 12 1991 Merída, México February 25 – 27 1992 San Juan, Puerto Rico February 5 – 7 1994 Concepción, Chile January 27 – 29 1996 Belize City, Belize February 7 – 9 1998 Port of Spain, Trinidad & Tobago February 26 – 28 2000 San José, Costa Rica February 1 – 4 2002 Panamá City, Panamá January 29 – February 1 2004 Concepción, Chile March 10 – 13 2006 Nassau, The Bahamas March 10 – 12 2008 Quito, Ecuador May 13-16 2010 La Manzanilla, México March 9 – 12 2013 Granada, Nicaragua March 13 – 16
These meetings have included research and curriculum development reports, symposia, professional development and teacher education seminars, research skill development workshops, social events, and cultural experiences.
If you are interested in presenting a session at the ICRSME XV consultation, complete the information requested below. Send this proposal form as an attachment to: Arthur L. White at (white.32@osu.edu) on or before October 1, 2018.