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Benjamin Banneker Association 2018 STEM Scholarship

The Benjamin Banneker Association (BBA) in partnership with Casio America Inc. is proud to announce it will be awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a deserving high school senior. To qualify for the scholarship, an applicant must live in Washington, D.C., identify as African-American or of African descent, and be in pursuit of a post-secondary education in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) field. The detailed application requirements and application for the 2018 Benjamin Banneker Association Scholarship Program are posted below. We ask that you share this opportunity with your students and/or colleagues. We will award the BBA STEM scholarship on Thursday, April 26, 2018 during our annual reception in Washington, D.C. Students should submit applications and the required materials electronically to no later than Monday, April 9, 2018. Our organization will select an applicant to be presented with the award during our annual reception. The awardee must be present at the annual reception to receive the scholarship. Thank you for assisting in the promotion of the Benjamin Banneker Association STEM Scholarship. Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. Scholarship Committee

  • Kimberly Epps

  • Cheryl Adeyemi, PhD

  • Toya Frank, Ph.D


The Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings (DRL) announces a nationwide search for temporary Program Directors in Mathematics Education Research at the National Science Foundation. Formal consideration of applications will begin March 19, 2018 and will continue until selections are made.

DRL is interested in candidates with research expertise in PreK-12 mathematics learning or teaching (e.g., with expertise in preschool/elementary, elementary/middle or middle school/high school content, and the learning or teaching of this content). Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education Research or a related field, plus after award of the degree, six or more years of successful research or research administration.

For more information, visit


Northwest Missouri State University is hiring an Instructor of Mathematics, Statistics, or Mathematics Education.


The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. produces an annual publication for its members, The Lighthouse Almanac, launched in 2017. Its audience is BBA members, PK-16 educators, school administrators, college/university faculty, parents, and other stakeholders interested with current and pressing concerns connected to the mathematics education of African-American students.

We are soliciting volunteers to help review submissions to the almanac. Reviewer’s responsibilities will include evaluating alignment to the BBA mission and feedback with an aim toward supporting the author in developing a publishable contribution.

A copy of the 2019 Call for Papers / Proposals can be found here.

For more information, please contact Brian Lawler at


2019 Call for Proposals

The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. Lighthouse Almanac

The concept of social justice in the mathematics classroom can be viewed through three lenses – “about” social justice, “with” social justice and “for” social justice. About social justice is planning a lesson to look at serious or even provocative issues using mathematics. With social justice, the focus is the manner of interactions and the climate within the classroom. The teacher uses various practices within classroom relationships that encourage equal participation and status. For social justice, the practices are founded on the belief that mathematics is the tool to be used to challenge the status quo that is adversely impacted by the lack of social justice.

Although children of all ages are reflecting on tough social issues, so many opportunities for teachers to draw upon these powerful realities as anchors for curriculum and instruction are lost. This type of curriculum and instruction can be developed through a social justice curriculum. We believe a social justice curriculum must be inclusive of materials, practices, and beliefs which these three lenses outline to achieve the goal of this type of teaching and learning.

The Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. will bring attention to social justice in mathematics in our upcoming publication of The Lighthouse Almanac. The information shared in this journal will be a resource in which PK-16 educators, school administrators, college/university faculty, parents, and other stakeholders can find solutions to current and pressing concerns connected to the mathematics education of African-American students.

Contributions are welcomed from teachers and users of mathematics at any level. A submission could be one of the following related to the theme for this issue:

  • A personal story / original essay;

  • An abstract describing your current research or related projects you are developing;

  • Commentary of a current event or issue;

  • An activity or lesson for PK-16 teachers or teacher educators;

  • A resource for parents; or

  • A tool (e.g. A Cultural Proficiency Rubric / Checklist) for educators, school administrators

Proposals will be reviewed and accepted based on their alignment to the mission and goals of the Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc.

Proposal Submission Deadline: September 18, 2019

For more information, please contact Brian Lawler at


  • Brian Lawler, Kennesaw State University

  • Brea Ratliff, Southern Methodist University



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