This is the powerpoint presentation that was created for the BBA leadership retreat from Sept 8 to 10, 2017 in Irving Texas. Presented in this powerpoint is information about who we are and the sponsors who supported us. Past and present presidents from Dr. Dorothy Strong to Ms. Brea Ratliff are also listed. Click on the link below to take you to the powerpoint. Past -present BBA
Hello BBA family! Check out the following career opportunities:
Assistant Professor (University of Northern Iowa)
Open Rank Elementary Mathematics Education Position (Texas State University)
Assistant Professor, Mathematics (Western Kentucky University)
Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Developing Mathematical Inquiry Communities (Massey University – University of New Zealand)
Director of Mathematics and Science Education Ph.D. Program (Middle Tennessee State University)
Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education (The University of Auckland – New Zealand)
Associate Professor, Mathematics Education (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso – Chile)
Senior Academic Position in Mathematics or Science Education (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Assistant/Associate Professor, Mathematics Education (Central Washington University)
Director, School of Mathematical Sciences (University of Northern Colorado)
Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Mathematics Education (Montclair State University)
Faculty Position, Teachers College (Columbia University)
Instructor, STEM Education/Robotics and Innovation (University of South Florida)
Research Project Associate Manager (University of Michigan)
Assistant Professor, Elementary Mathematics Education (Utah State University)
Graduate Teaching Research Fellowship (Utah State University)
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Mathematics Education (University of Adger)
Associate / Full Professor of Learning Sciences (Vanderbilt University)
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Education (Montana State University)
Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education (University of Alabama)
Assistant Professor (California State Fresno)
Tenure-track Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences (University of Arizona)

On Friday, September 8, in our first meeting during the 2017 Benjamin Banneker Association,Inc. Leadership Retreat, we brainstormed a list of several ideas which would guide the work we would undertake over the next couple of days. This mind map shows the thoughts, questions, and suggestions which came out of that discussion:

As we moved into Day 2 of the Retreat, and spent some time learning the history of the Benjamin Banneker Association and reviewing our constitution and by-laws, we were able to gain a clearer picture of who we are and why we do what we do. Over the upcoming weeks and months, we’ll continue to unpack and clarify who we are as an organization, and to ensure all of our members and supporters are on the same page.
Part 1: Who We Are and What We Do
In the Preamble to the Constitution for the Benjamin Banneker Association our goals are stated as such:

Not all of our members are educators, nor are we all of African-American / black descent. Our membership is open to any and everyone who is concerned about the educational and developmental needs of African-American children.
So, how will we accomplish these goals?

Here’s how we will further the mission of our organization over the next two years:

We plan to do this by continuing to develop the activities and programs we currently have:
National partnerships with organizations such as NCTM, TODOS, NAM, CBMS, CASIO and others
National professional development through mathematics education conferences
Publications, such as The Lighthouse and the Social Justice Position Statement
Development of social justice lessons and workshops for school administrators
BBA Student Scholarships
BBA Student Affiliate Groups for K-12
Receiving regional and national grants to further the mission of the organization
Outreach through events such as the AME STEM Academy, Annual School Visits, and the Boys and Girls Club Partnership
The celebration of Benjamin Banneker through Benjamin Banneker Week activities
BBA Literary Circle Webinars
If you are interested in supporting any of the above activities, or adding to this list, please join BBA and know that you are needed! Stayed tuned for Part 2 – The History of BBA.
The School of Teacher Education in the College of Education at San Diego State University (SDSU) is searching for a Director (Chair) at the Associate or Full rank to begin in the fall of 2018. More information about the position is available at
Contact Dr. Randy Philipp directly with questions:
Randy Philipp, Chair SDSU School of Teacher Education Search Committee
Dr. Randolph Philipp Professor of Mathematics Education School of Teacher Education San Diego State University Director, Center for Research in Mathematics and Science Education (CRMSE) President, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) 6475 Alvarado Road, Suite 206 San Diego, CA 92120 U.S.A. Telephone: (619) 594-4453 (office) and (619) 972-6446 (cell)
The School of Education at Deakin University, Australia is seeking three energetic and committed mathematics educators to join an established team of colleagues and contribute to its research and teaching agenda.
The three full-time continuing positions in Mathematics Education, to commence in early 2018, are:
Professor (Melbourne Burwood Campus),
Senior Lecturer (Geelong Waurn Ponds Campus) and
Lecturer (Melbourne Burwood Campus).
Please go to the Deakin website at The closing date for all three positions is October 15, 2017.