The Benjamin Banneker Association (BBA) in partnership with Casio America Inc. is proud to announce we will be awarding a $1,000 scholarship to a student in the Southwest region of our organization. The South west region is comprised of individuals living in Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. To qualify for the scholarship, an applicant must be an African-American high school senior, and be in pursuit of post-secondary education in a Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) field. This includes professional, vocational, and academic studies not limited to colleges and universities. Applications and the required materials should be submitted electronically to southwestrep@bannekermath.org no later than Friday, March 25, 2017. More more info click STEM Scholarship Desc 2016-2017. To download an application, click STEM Scholarship App 2016-2017.
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