Greetings South Central Region!
Please check out the Fall edition of the newsletter for news and updates.
Latrenda Knighten
The 2018 Global Survey of Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Scientists survey is part of an international interdisciplinary project called the project “A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?” Eleven partners, supported by the International Council for Science (ICSU), are seeking to better understand the problems mathematical, computing, and natural science academics and practitioners are facing around the world.
As described on the Gender Gap project homepage (https://icsugendergapinscience.org), “Currently, existing data on participation of women in the mathematical and natural sciences is scattered, outdated, and inconsistent across regions and research fields. The project will provide evidence to support the making of informed decisions on science policy. Temporal trends will be included, as the situation of women in science is constantly evolving, sometimes with some negative developments. Data will be collected via both a joint global survey and a bibliographic study of publication patterns. The survey is planned to reach 45,000 respondents in more than 130 countries using at least 10 languages, while the study of publication patterns will analyze comprehensive metadata sources corresponding to publications of more than 500,000 scientists since 1970. Contrasts and common ground across regions and cultures, less developed and highly developed countries, men and women, mathematical and natural sciences, will be highlighted.”
The Global Survey can be accessed at http://statisticalresearchcenter.org/global18. The data is being collected by the Statistical Research Center of the American Institute of Physics.
Please support the Benjamin Banneker Association by participating in this virtual 5K event! What is a virtual race?? A virtual race is a race that can be run at any location. You can walk, use the treadmill, run outside or participate in another race. You can run your race at your pace wherever you like.
SO! Register and complete a 5k between now and May 19th! Registration is $25 per person or $30 per person with a race shirt (includes shipping). Thank you for your support!
Each year during the proceedings of the NCTM Annual Conference, the Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. hosts a reception to recognize local mathematics educators who have successfully used noteworthy and innovative instruction to close the achievement gap for African American children.
The honorees for this year’s reception will be chosen from among mathematics educators in the Washington, D.C. area. One educator will be selected from each grade band: elementary, middle school and high school.
Please submit the nomination form to Kimberly Epps (kepps456@gmail.com) by April 9, 2018.
We encourage you to nominate educators who have made notable accomplishments in teaching mathematics to African American children in his or her classroom/school and have displayed evidence of outstanding leadership in education.
Nominations can be submitted by any individual; you do not have to be a member of the Benjamin Banneker Association. The individuals identified by our program committee as Outstanding Mathematics Educators will be honored during our reception in Washington, D.C. on Thursday, April 26, 2018.
Benjamin Banneker Association, Inc. Award Committee
Kimberly Epps
Cheryl Adeyemi, PhD
Toya Frank, Ph.D